Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Day 74: Troutbeck to Grasmere

An absolutely glorious day! We planned a relatively short walk as the terrain is quite steep and the scenery stunning: so we did not want to be too tired and pushed for time to enjoy it. And we were very glad that we had taken that option. The weather forcast was for showers and occasional rain and the black clouds on the horizon certainly looked that way 

but there were enough areas of bright blue sky showing through to give us hope: we were not disappointed. The view from the dining room of the hostel was an omen of things to come as we looked out over the mountains and down to a glimpse of Lake Windermere below.

We climbed up the hill from the hostel up to the village of Troutbridge and then on over the top and as we looked back Lake Widermere was shimmering below and we were soon removing our coats as the sun shone through the clouds.

After climbing up over Wansfell Pike we decended down into the lovely Village of Ambleside at the top end of Lake Windermere where we stopped for coffee and a welcome break before we commenced the next climb of the day. And a steep one it was!

We climbed up over Loughrigg Fell and the views were truly spectacular. Although the black clouds hovering over some of the mountains were a bit worry some, 

apart from a few short sharp showers we were not troubled by the rain and at times it was warm enough for just a T-shirt. We could see people up on top of Loughrigg Fell as we were walking and it seemed a long way.

But soon we were there

and the 360 degree views were well worth the effort of the climb. We looked back towards Ambleside and Lake Windermere

and forward towards our destination of Grasmere. WOW!

Then began the steep decent down to Lake Grasmere and the village beyond. Just through the village lay our hostel and a well earned rest!

So where are we in our walk... The little blur dot marks the spot.

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