Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Day 19 Horn's Cross to Bideford

Well, the walking Gods were very kind to us today and even their minions: wind, rain and contours were playing fairly nice :). It rained overnight but although we set off in our rain gear we soon stopped to pack it away again. Bidding fair well to the view from our bedroom window....

We set of down the lane toward the coast and on reaching the Coastal path we had our first glimpse of the sea.

Although there were none of the really steep climbs and dips we have experienced along the Coastal path, contours, unlike her little friends wind and rain, just couldn't resist the occasional trick or two and she led us all the way down to the beach...

Only to have us climb all the way back up again. 

Ha ah very funny! Never-the-less it was a very pleasant and relatively short walk today and we left the coast to walk up to Bideford on the estuary of the River Torridge... I hope the walking gods rant having another laugh at us coz that ominously rhymes with porridge. So... There's washing to do and a pub to find so that's the lot for today

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